Feel like the movie critics are out of touch?
Feel like the movie critics are out of touch?
Feel like the movie critics are out of touch?
Create the ultimate reviews catalog with your friends
Create the ultimate reviews catalog with your friends
Create the ultimate reviews catalog with your friends

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Kiss goodbye to scroll paralysis. Discover movies vetted by the people who know you best
Get a constant flow of you friends all-time favorite movies and TV shows

Calculated scores are based on your friends combined ratings, weighted by their trust

(in)validate your friends opinions with our revolutionary 'thumbs' system

Track your open discussion in your 'Threads' (Trademark Pending)
Every review is a chat room!
Think 'The Room' is an existential fever dream and the absolute pinnacle of classic cinema? Say so!
Drool covetously as you see where stuffs streaming!
Drool covetously as you see where stuffs streaming!
Gawk in amazement at ages at the time of release!!!
Go forensice and drill into seasons and specific episodes
Gawk in amazement at actors ages at time of release

Track your activity and social metrics and imagine they are measures of some sort of importance!
Identify your top rated directors and creators then embark on an epic binge of their stuff!
Identify your top rated directors and creators then embark on an epic binge of their stuff!
Advanced through 4 progress tiers on your path to film-buff snobbery, then go 'ooh i got to level four' while puffing out your chest all smugly!

Available in both facebook and instagram flavour
Available in X, facebook and instagram flavours
Educate your friends who aren't cool enough to have buck the critics by sharing your reviews on social media!!!
Educate your friends who aren't cool enough to have buck the critics by sharing your reviews on social media!!!


Luxuriate in a constant flow of your friends all-time favourite movies and TV shows
Kiss scroll paralysis goodbye
Discover movies & shows vetted by the people who know you best

Every movie gets a 'calculated score'
The ratings of friends you trust more, have a higher weighting
Every review is a theatre for debate
Think 'The Room' is an existential fever dream and the absolute pinnacle of classic cinema? Say so!

Track your open discussions in your 'Threads'
(TM Pending)
Never lose track of an argument!
Drool covetously as you see where stuff is streaming
Gawk in amazement at actors ages at time of release

Go forensic and drill into seasons and specific episodes
Track your activity and social metrics and imagine they're measures of some sort of importance!

Identify your top rated directors and show runners
Embark on an epic binge of their stuff!
Advance through 4 progress tiers on your path to film snobbery…
…then go 'ooh i got to level four' while puffing out your chest all smugly!


Educate your friends who aren't cool enough to have Buck The Critics by sharing your reviews on X, Facebook or Instagram